Thursday 30 October 2008


Hello darlings, well its another day and yet another bit of verse for your pleasure, if you please.

Change the world, now!

Bankers and statesmen
Presidents and corporate kings
All hail total power
And rhetoric that kills

Sheeple are people
Ignorant and sated
Brain-dead, amputated
Divorced from thought rationale

Its time to revolt
Stand up and protest
Stop being inundated
Propaganda fed

The world is corrupt
Its rulers decrepit
Ordinary man's subjugated
With mindless media vomit

Think for yourself mate
Don't let yourself down
Its still not too late
Lets change the world, save the world, now.

That's it folks, see you again soon :)

Wednesday 29 October 2008

Hello world, this is kitty

Hi everyone who stumbles to my blog. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with this, but for now, enjoy some of my rambling verse.


Arse, bugger, fuck, bollocks and balls
Life never seems to go the way one plans
People and places, and annoying do-gooders
Conspire to cast precious pearls in the sand.

Destiny is capricious
And Fate she is glad
To take mortal existence
And play roulette with elan.

The debate

'Don't be a fool,' cautioned Wisdom
'Keep away,' stated Pride
'Guard your tongue,' implored Reason
'Walk away,' sighed Life.

But 'Stand and fight,' urged Courage
'Love and life are worth it,' Hope encouraged
'Joy eternal, finally,' murmured Night.


Roses are blue
And carnations too
This material world can produce base desire
To fill mortal man's each endeavour
Yet fail to meet true pleasure

Bright and shiny
Compact and neat
Like a smart phone or a lap-top
Modern love seeks to feed
The need for courtly adoration
With speed-dating if you please

Our identity is more than our career
And fashion gurus are not our only earthly guides
TV make-overs just degrade us
Trite commercialism just debases us
I just want to be an old fashioned wife.